Sharing your interview questions is a great idea! Here are some detailed answers for each question:

1. How do you handle credentials for a PHP application accessing MySQL or any other secrets in Docker?
Use Docker secrets or environment variables to store sensitive information.
Use a secret management tool like HashiCorp Vault.
Implement proper access controls and rotate secrets regularly.

2. What is the command for running container logs?

Docker logs for Docker containers.
kubectl logs for Kubernetes pods.

3. Have you upgraded any Kubernetes clusters?

Yes, typically follow the documentation provided by the Kubernetes distribution (e.g., EKS, GKE, AKS).
Ensure compatibility of all running workloads with the new version.
Perform upgrades in stages (e.g., test, staging, production) to minimize impact.

4. How do you deploy an application in a Kubernetes cluster?

Create Kubernetes manifests (YAML files) for deployment, services, and other necessary resources.
Apply the manifests using kubectl apply -f .
Use Helm charts for more complex deployments.

5. How do you communicate with a Jenkins server and a Kubernetes cluster?

Use Jenkins Kubernetes plugin to configure Kubernetes cloud.
Define Kubernetes agents/pods in Jenkins pipeline for executing jobs.
Use Jenkinsfiles to automate the CI/CD process.

6. Which DevOps tools are you proficient with?

Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, Git, Prometheus, Grafana, AWS services, etc.

7. Can you describe the CI/CD workflow in your project?

Code is committed to a Git repository.
Jenkins triggers a build upon a commit.
Automated tests are run.
Docker images are built and pushed to a registry.
Kubernetes deployment manifests are updated.
Changes are applied to the Kubernetes cluster, and the application is deployed.

8.How do you handle the continuous delivery (CD) aspect in your projects?

Use Jenkins pipelines or other CI/CD tools to automate deployment.
Ensure automated testing and staging environments are in place before production deployment.
Use feature toggles for safe feature releases.

9. What methods do you use to check for code vulnerabilities?

Static code analysis tools (e.g., SonarQube).
Dependency scanning tools (e.g., OWASP Dependency-Check, Snyk).
Regular security audits and code reviews.

10. What AWS services are you proficient in?

EC2, S3, RDS, VPC, Lambda, CloudFormation, IAM, CloudWatch, ECS, EKS, etc.

11. How would you access data in an S3 bucket from Account A when your application is running on an EC2 instance in Account B?

Set up cross-account IAM roles and policies to allow access.
Use S3 bucket policies to grant necessary permissions.

12. How do you provide access to an S3 bucket, and what permissions need to be set on the bucket side?

Use bucket policies or IAM policies to grant access.
Set appropriate permissions like s3:GetObject, s3:PutObject, etc.

13. How can Instance 2, with a static IP, communicate with Instance 1, which is in a private subnet and mapped to a multi-AZ load balancer?

Ensure security group rules allow communication.
Use the load balancer’s DNS name or IP address.

14. How do you pass arguments to a VPC while using the terraform import command?

Use the format terraform import . .
Define the resource in your Terraform configuration file before importing.

15. What are the prerequisites before importing a VPC in Terraform?

Ensure the VPC exists and is not managed by another Terraform state.
Define the VPC resource in your Terraform configuration file.

16. If an S3 bucket was created through Terraform but someone manually added a policy to it, how do you handle this situation using IaC?

Import the current state of the bucket into Terraform.
Update the Terraform configuration to reflect the manually added policy.

17. For an EC2 instance in a private subnet, how can it verify and download required packages from the internet without using a NAT gateway or bastion host? Are there any other AWS services that can facilitate this?

Use VPC endpoints for S3 and other AWS services.
Use AWS Systems Manager (SSM) to run commands and download packages.

18. What is the typical latency for a load balancer, and if you encounter high latency, what monitoring steps would you take?

Typical latency varies, but it should be in the range of milliseconds.
Monitor metrics using CloudWatch.
Check for high CPU utilization, network issues, or misconfigured health checks.

19. If your application is hosted in S3 and users are in different geographic locations, how can you reduce latency?

Use Amazon CloudFront as a CDN to cache content at edge locations.

20. Which services can be integrated with a CDN (Content Delivery Network)?

S3, EC2, Lambda, API Gateway, and more.

21. How do you dynamically retrieve VPC details from AWS to create an EC2 instance using IaC?

Use aws_vpc data sources in Terraform to fetch VPC details.
Use AWS CLI or SDKs to programmatically retrieve and use VPC details.

22. How do you manage unmanaged AWS resources in Terraform?

Import the unmanaged resources into the Terraform state using terraform import.
Define the resources in your Terraform configuration file.

23. Write BASH Script for Prime numbers.

is_prime() {
local num=$1
if [ $num -le 1 ]; then
echo “false”
for ((i = 2; i * i <= num; i++)); do
if [ $((num % i)) -eq 0 ]; then
echo “false”
echo “true”

for num in “$@”; do
if [ $(is_prime $num) == “true” ]; then
echo “$num is a prime number”
echo “$num is not a prime number”

Feel free to share any thoughts or additional questions you’ve faced in your interviews!

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